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"Zetty made me get a speeding ticket!"

“Zetty made me get a speeding ticket!

I’m J Smiles, comedian, Alzheimer’s and Dementia activist, and family caregiver. You may know me from Parenting Up™, where we’re a family of caregivers taking care of our family members together. Welcome to P.U.B. the Parenting Up Blog


We all know someone who MUST be the star of the show. The loudest voice in the room. The center of all the attention. If that’s you of the group, continue reading anyways, you might read something that will change your perspective for the better. There’s something beautiful about the chameleon. The ability to blend in no matter where they are. They can be amongst friends or enemies. Family or a stranger. Their ability to blend in and become one with their surroundings is something to be admired. I feel that we as humans should adapt this survival tactic. Because yes, I do believe that this is a way for the chameleon to survive. There’s so much in this world that can and will happen that we have no control over. There will be a point where we are somewhere we don’t want to be, or maybe in an encounter with someone we don’t want to be. But even in those moments, remain composed and elegant in all that you do. Never allow anyone to see you sweat, and never allow someone to get you out of your element. You are ultimately in control of how you show up. Don’t be the loudest in the room. Don’t be the center of attention. Now, this does not mean to dim your light! Never allow anyone to dim your light or remove the brightness from you that is individual and special to you. Don’t blend in so much that you lose yourself. But do so in a way where you can stay true to yourself, but also be aware of what’s going on around you. Always be in the mood to survive. 


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