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“Zetty keeps using the "N" word!”

“Zetty keeps using the

“Zetty keeps using the "N" word!”

I’m J Smiles, comedian, Alzheimer’s and Dementia activist, and family caregiver. You may know me from Parenting Up™, where we’re a family of caregivers taking care of our family members together. Welcome to P.U.B. the Parenting Up Blog


It is such a profound gift to have the ability to focus. No, everybody doesn’t possess that skill. But I think that it can be learned if you do lack the ability to focus. I understand that we live in a chaotic world. Different parts of our lives are constantly moving and at a fast pace. So being able to focus on something helps maintain order and composure, and helps bring sort of a balance and calm to your life. I focus by setting realistic goals for myself. I start with a 5 year goal, then focus on that 1 year at a time. I break that year down by months, then by weeks, and ultimately daily. The best way for you to achieve your 5 year goal is to respect and be aware that the years are made up of a collection of days. So, definitely take everything one day at a time. Your goals, your aspirations, your life! It’s impossible to live two days at a time. Yes, it is humanly impossible to not get off track. You, me, we all will stumble at times and lose focus. When that happens, it’s okay, it’s not the finish line. You must remember to always give yourself grace. Be fair to yourself. We judge ourselves too harshly oftentimes, and I don’t think that’s the best thing to do. What makes the ability to focus so profound and powerful is that if you have such ability once, it’s instilled within you. You just have to reactivate it. You got this!


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🎧Full audio podcast episode for this blog post: Zetty keeps using the "N" word!