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"THOR is 10x more likely to get ALZ!"

“THOR is 10x more likely to get ALZ!”

I’m J Smiles, comedian, Alzheimer’s and Dementia activist, and family caregiver. You may know me from Parenting Up™, where we’re a family of caregivers taking care of our family members together. Welcome to P.U.B. the Parenting Up Blog


Do you truly understand the power of your body? I mean truly understand the complexity and beauty that goes into every aspect of your vessel. This is physical, mind, and emotional. Listen, your body has the potential to do so much, you would actually be surprised by the strength and ability of it. Typically, we don’t discover our true strength until we’re in a life and death situation, when our fight or flight instincts kick in. But I believe that if you take into account the potential of your body, that will take you a long way. Let’s touch each of these aspects. Physical: of course this pertains to the structure of your body. You are most likely to reach your maximum potential here by exercising and conditioning your body. When you do this, you discover the potential of your physical strength. Mentally, this may take longer than others to master, but simply thinking about it and becoming aware that there is potential of your mind is a tremendous first step. Once you make the acknowledgment, the quicker you will be able to unlock the potential of your mind. And finally, emotionally. The potential of your emotional strength is by far the most important. Indeed the other two are vital, but being able to control your emotions is by far the most important of the three. When you are able to control your mind, you control the potential of your being. The power of the potential of your body starts in the mind, which then transfers to your emotions and your physical. So, today, give yourself the chance to discover the potential of your body.    


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