“The Boo-Boo Faint: Vasovagal Syncope!”
I’m J Smiles, comedian, Alzheimer’s and Dementia activist, and family caregiver. You may know me from Parenting Up™, where we’re a family of caregivers taking care of our family members together. Welcome to P.U.B. the Parenting Up Blog.
“God laughs at our plans.” Have you heard that saying before? We could plan out every day, every step, every occasion in our lives. I can guarantee you that they will never happen as we planned them. It is impossible for us to see everything that may happen in the future. It’s impossible to know how others may move. Because of these two alone, it’s impossible to know how to plan or even what to plan for. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t plan in general and be prepared. I highly recommend that along with setting goals! My main point here is to say that if something you’ve planned doesn’t go your way. If something you looked forward to falls through, it’s okay. That thing or event just wasn’t meant to happen. That in itself was a part of God’s plan. The ultimate plan. Don’t be discouraged. Always make the best decision possible for you in every point of life; in planned and unplanned events. Keep your faith always and never forget that everything that happens happens for a reason. And even if you don’t see the reasoning as to why now, you will eventually. It is true, God does laugh at our plans, but He smiles upon our plans too.
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🎧Full audio podcast episode for this blog post: The Boo-Boo Faint: Vasovagal Syncope