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“Tapping (EFT) with Lauren Fonivelle: a conversation”

“Tapping (EFT) with Lauren Fonivelle: a conversation”

“Tapping (EFT) with Lauren Fonivelle: a conversation”

I’m J Smiles, comedian, Alzheimer’s and Dementia activist, and family caregiver. You may know me from Parenting Up™, where we’re a family of caregivers taking care of our family members together. Welcome to P.U.B. the Parenting Up Blog


Stress is the silent killer. Unfortunately, when we turn on the news or go outside, we’re confronted with stress almost instantly. It’s pretty much like it comes with the territory of being human. Is there something you love to do to help you reduce the stress in your life? I recommend you do something daily that is a mental and physical reset for you. This is also called Selfcare. I’m sure you’re familiar with this term. If you’re not, it’s literally what it says: to care for yourself. You are precious and you have one vessel that will carry you through this life. If you’re fortunate enough, you’ll have the vessel that is your body for many many years. When we stress, it causes our blood pressure to rise, or our mind to become confused and depressed, and that’s just to name a few! There’s so much negative that happens to the body when we stress. Of course, everything in life will not always be perfect and positive, this isn’t a fairytale. Stressful events will absolutely occur at some point in our life. But it’s how you control stress. My biggest recommendation for you to do is to remove it from your body. Meditate, exercise, run, read a book, cook! Whatever brings you calm and release of the tensions. Stress is the silent killer because although we may not “see” what stress does, we will eventually feel it, most likely in the form of illnesses. So, inhale, exhale, and release the stress.


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🎧Full audio podcast episode for this blog post: Tapping (EFT) with Lauren Fonivelle: a conversation