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Did Zetty just FLIRT with that man?

Did Zetty just FLIRT with that man?

Did Zetty just FLIRT with that man?


I’m J Smiles, comedian, Alzheimer’s and Dementia activist, and family caregiver. You may know me from Parenting Up™, where we’re a family of caregivers taking care of our family members together. Welcome to P.U.B. the Parenting Up Blog. 

There is nothing more important in a plan than the strategy. The strategy is what can make or break any goal. You can think of the strategy as a means to achieve said goal. What will it take, what are the obstacles to overcome. The definition of strategy is: a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim. When was the last time you set something to achieve for yourself, and actually thought of the strategy? Unfortunately, many people forget about the most important aspect of the planning process. Some people make the plan, then just embark on it, hoping for the best. When you have a strategy, you are able to have more confidence in your mission. You are able to be more comfortable and disciplined in what you’re trying to achieve. If you are currently on a mission and you began it without having a strategy, no worries, you can create it today! Just like anything in this blessing of life, it’s never too late to do anything! Get your journal, your notebook, heck, pull up your pad on your smartphone! Start at the moment you are now, and make that detailed and strategic blueprint to move forward with. Regain that trust within yourself that you are doing what’s absolutely best for you. Give yourself grace, give yourself time, and give yourself love.                                                                       


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🎧Full audio podcast episode for this blog post: Did Zetty just FLIRT with that man?