“Balancing Pain, Passion and Professional Life: a conversation with Susan”
I’m J Smiles, comedian, Alzheimer’s and Dementia activist, and family caregiver. You may know me from Parenting Up™, where we’re a family of caregivers taking care of our family members together. Welcome to P.U.B. the Parenting Up Blog.
There’s this saying going around that says, “If you’re the smartest person in the room, go to a different room.” I would have to agree with that to some extent. There’s something thrilling and fascinating about learning something new, to expand the mind. If you’re the smartest person in the room, isn’t it fair to assume that you can’t learn something new from another in that same room? Now, I know that we live in an egotistical society where everyone wants to be the biggest, boldest, and the brightest. But when actually, those are the people who get my sympathy the most. It’s a gift and a blessing to be able to be humble enough and confident enough to not only know that there’s more for you to learn, but to want to do so. And if eventually, you learn all you can learn from everyone in that room, simply go to another and begin the journey to more knowledge yet again. It’s impossible to know too much and it’s impossible to know everything. Always be willing to learn and be open minded to new ideas and views. You can never be worse off by learning more, only become a better version of yourself.
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