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“A conversation with Star Bradbury: Helping Your Parent (Zetty) Age Successfully!”

“A conversation with Star Bradbury: Helping Your Parent (Zetty) Age Successfully!”

“A conversation with Star Bradbury: Helping Your Parent (Zetty) Age Successfully!”

I’m J Smiles, comedian, Alzheimer’s and Dementia activist, and family caregiver. You may know me from Parenting Up™, where we’re a family of caregivers taking care of our family members together. Welcome to P.U.B. the Parenting Up Blog


Morality. This is something that the majority of people are uncomfortable with thinking about; let alone talk about. But I think that the greatest blessing is being with the gift of life in the first place. The start of our lives differ, even the way we live. But the two things that we all are the exact same in is the fact that we have a birth date and a death date. Now, I’m not speaking like this to scare you or to be dark. But it is the reality of life. It’s something that we must start being more open and comfortable with discussing. Especially with our loved ones. For many of us, our parents are getting older. Shoot, we are getting older! It’s best to be prepared when the thing we’ve been conditioned to fear the most happens: the transition. It’s important to always be true to yourself to the core. Never compromise what brings you the most peace, joy, and satisfaction in life. Don’t be so consumed and enticed by what you see on social media. If you want to accomplish something in this life, each day you have the blessing to rise, go for it. Strive for it. Take one more step towards that. Embrace life and embrace death. When you realize and accept that all living things must one day die, you will understand the importance of living to the fullest. Don’t fear what’s inevitable. Don’t run from it. Don’t run towards it either! Just be.


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🎧Full audio podcast episode for this blog post: A conversation with Star Bradbury: Helping Your Parent (Zetty) Age Successfully!