“Tell Your Mama I said Hello”
I’m J Smiles, comedian, Alzheimer’s and Dementia activist, and family caregiver. You may know me from Parenting Up™, where we’re a family of caregivers taking care of our family members together. Welcome to P.U.B. the Parenting Up Blog.
As humans, it's fair to assume that we all have had a slip of the memory. We all have had something that we've forgotten. Sometimes, a memory is so far lost, even when someone reminds us of it, we must pretend to recall. Although that is true, that thought provoked from this episode encouraged this blog post. It doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing or a sign of what's to come. I think that it’s literally a side effect of humanity. Especially these days! There’s so much going on and so much information at our fingertips so quickly, we’re bound to forget something. So listen, today, I want to encourage you to have grace when someone forgets something that you remember, as you wouldn’t mind that same courtesy. Because, well, they’re only human. Like many, I wish that I could recall every memory. Particularly the great ones! But the reality is that we can’t. I also want to take this moment to remind you to be mindful and respectful to those who have no control over their passing memory. Although this blog post isn’t about Dementia directly, who am I to not speak about Dementia while discussing the loss of memory. It’s very parallel to unconsciously forgetting memories that you don’t even know what someone is talking about when they mention it. Apparently, healthy minds and unhealthy minds have more in common than we thought!
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🎧Full audio podcast episode for this blog post: Tell Your Mama I said Hello